Dylan on the merry-go-round (January 2002) (added 6/6/2002)
Dylan and Daddy on the merry-go-round (January 2002) (added 6/6/2002)
Wheeeeee! (January 2002) (added 6/6/2002)
Dylan does his monkey imitation (january 2002) (added 6/6/2002)
Dylan on the playground (January 2002) (added 6/5/2002)
The whole family--minus Sadie, of course. (4/01) (added 4/15/2001)
Dylan and Butler investigate the flowers (4/01) (added 4/15/2001)
Dylan strolls through the bluebonnets (4/01) (added 4/15/2001)
Dave, Dylan and Butler in the backyard bluebonnets (4/01) (added 4/15/2001)
Anne, Dylan, and Butler in the backyard bluebonnets (4/01) (added 4/15/2001)